, R/erDataSeq.R
, R/ggNNC.R
These functions can be used to visualise Numbers Needed for Change (or
Numbers Needed to Treat).
is a helper function to generate an Event Rate Data
Sequence, and it uses convert.threshold.to.er
to convert thresholds to event rates and vice
eventIfHigher = TRUE,
pdist = stats::pnorm
eventIfHigher = TRUE,
qdist = stats::qnorm
er = NULL,
threshold = NULL,
mean = NULL,
sd = NULL,
eventIfHigher = TRUE,
pRange = c(1e-06, 0.99999),
xStep = 0.01
d = NULL,
eventDesirable = TRUE,
r = 1,
xlab = "Continuous outcome",
plotTitle = c("Numbers Needed for Change = ", ""),
theme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
lineSize = 1,
cerColor = "#EBF2F8",
eerColor = "#172F47",
cerLineColor = "#888888",
eerLineColor = "#000000",
dArrowColor = "#000000",
cerAlpha = 0.66,
eerAlpha = 0.66,
xLim = NULL,
xLimAutoDensityTolerance = 0.001,
showLegend = TRUE,
verticalLineColor = "#172F47",
desirableColor = "#00FF00",
desirableAlpha = 0.2,
undesirableColor = "#FF0000",
undesirableAlpha = 0.2,
desirableTextColor = "#009900",
undesirableTextColor = "#990000",
dArrowDistance = 0.04 * max(cerDataSeq$density),
dLabelDistance = 0.08 * max(cerDataSeq$density)
If the event rate is not available, a threshold value can
be specified instead, which is then used in conjunction with the mean
) and standard deviation (sd
) and assuming a normal
distribution to compute the event rate.
The mean of the control group distribution.
The standard deviation (of the control distribution, but assumed to be the same for both distributions).
Whether scores above or below the threshold are considered 'an event'.
Distributions to use when converting thresholds to event rates and vice versa; defaults to the normal distribution.
Event rate to visualise (or convert).
The range of probabilities for which to so the distribution.
Precision of the drawn distribution; higher values mean lower precision/granularity/resolution.
The cerDataSeq
The value of Cohen's d.
Whether an event is desirable or undesirable.
The correlation between the determinant and behavior (for mediated NNC's).
The label to display for the X axis.
The title of the plot; either one character value, this value if used; if two, they are considered a prefix and suffix to be pre/appended to the NNC value.
The theme to use for the plot.
The thickness of the lines in the plot.
The color to use for the event rate portion of the control group distribution.
The color to use for the event rate portion of the experimental group distribution.
The line color to use for the control group distribution.
The line color to use for the experimental group distribution.
The color of the arrow to show the effect size.
The alpha value (transparency) to use for the control group distribution.
The alpha value (transparency) to use for the control group distribution.
This can be used to manually specify the limits for the X axis;
, sensible limits will be derived using
If xLim
, the limits
will be set where the density falls below this proportion of its maximum
Whether to show the legend (only if showing two distributions).
The color of the vertical line used to indicate the threshold.
The color for the desirable portion of the X axis.
The alpha for the desirable portion of the X axis.
The color for the undesirable portion of the X axis.
The color for the undesirable portion of the X axis.
The color for the text to indicate the desirable portion of the X axis.
The color for the text to indicate the undesirable portion of the X axis.
The distance of the effect size arrow from the top of the distributions.
The distance of the effect size label from the top of the distributions.
returns a data sequence; ggNNC
These functions are used by nnc()
to show the distributions, and
event rates. They probably won't be used much on their own.
Gruijters, S. L., & Peters, G. Y. (2019). Gauging the impact of behavior change interventions: A tutorial on the Numbers Needed to Treat. PsyArXiv. doi: 10.31234/osf.io/2bau7
### Show distribution for an event rate value of 125
behaviorchange::ggNNC(behaviorchange::erDataSeq(threshold=125, mean=90, sd=30));
### If the event occurs under the threshold instead of
### above it
mean=90, sd=30,
eventIfHigher = FALSE));
### ... And for undesirable events (note how
### desirability is an argument for ggNNC, whereas
### whether an event occurs 'above' or 'below' the
### threshold is an argument for erDataSeq):
mean=90, sd=30,
eventIfHigher = FALSE),
eventDesirable = FALSE);
### Show event rate for both experimental and
### control conditions, and show the numbers
### needed for change
mean=90, sd=30),
### Illustration of how even with very large effect
### sizes, if the control event rate is very high,
### you'll still need a high number of NNC